Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm back...

The week after chemo was a very rough one for me.  I had an allergic to the chemo and that followed by a couple of handfuls of side effects, BUT, I made it through and I am feeling great today.  I will have my next treatment on March 31st, so I am just appreciating each day that I am feeling good. 
So yesterday my hair started falling out and today I continued to obsess about it.  So we shaved it off.  Max started by cutting some pretty big chunks of hair with the help of my mom.  Then Eric took over with the clippers and shaved the rest off.  It was SO FREEING!!!  I am so glad that it is over.  Thank you so much to Mickey and the rest of my family and friends for helping me to prepare for this day.  I just don't think the wig is for me, but we will see.  I think I will be sticking to scarves for now.  I am a little worried about how the students will react tomorrow, but so far they have been nothing but supportive in every way.  I am so proud to be a part of Somonauk Middle School. 
My boys keep coming up and "petting" my head.  Max thinks it's hilarious and then wonders why I look like a "Dad."  Luke just kept asking, " what is your hair doing?"  They both are handling it so well. 


  1. Hi Ali my name is Amanda Ponsetti Edgcomb you may remember me from school you may not, but I LOVE this picture I do not know if you noticed the little person in the background you can do this keep climbing like the little person in your picture :)

  2. Ali, you are a beautiful young women with or without your lovely locks !! Your positive attitude and caring family, by your side, will get you through this. My thoughts are with you and your family each and every day !! Yes, keep climbing and you will be at the top again, before you know it !! Take care and we will see you very soon. Love ya, Linda
