Sunday, March 27, 2011

To the Supportive Bureau Valley faculty, students, parents, and community members,

As a family we would like sincerely thank the supporters of our situation.  In reality there are two situations going on that the people of BV have been incredibly supportive of.  First of all, with regards to the cancer, everyone needs to know how ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE both the students and the faculty have been.  Both monetarily and emotionally, they could not do anything else to be any more supportive.  Seeing the pink bracelets among the hands students and faculty on a daily basis within the school has been a visual reminder of the true amount of love and support.  Eric came home on Friday wishing I could see the amount of support that was shown. 
With regards to the job, students have refused to go into school, have posted positive comments, and have stood with respect in support of Eric's career.  Even though Eric will not be at Bureau Valley High School next year, he would like everyone to know that he will not forget the students and faculty who have helped him to become a better teacher and person over the last couple of years.  No matter what people say, the students and faculty are what make the school great!

P.S.  Thank you for the dodgeball t-shirts.

Comment Issue

It was brought to my attention that several people were trying to post comments and were unable to if they did not have a gmail account.  I think I have fixed the problem.  Just make sure that you sign in as a follower (sounds weird) and then choose the name option when trying to post.  Hopefully this fixes the problem.  Let me know if not at

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm back...

The week after chemo was a very rough one for me.  I had an allergic to the chemo and that followed by a couple of handfuls of side effects, BUT, I made it through and I am feeling great today.  I will have my next treatment on March 31st, so I am just appreciating each day that I am feeling good. 
So yesterday my hair started falling out and today I continued to obsess about it.  So we shaved it off.  Max started by cutting some pretty big chunks of hair with the help of my mom.  Then Eric took over with the clippers and shaved the rest off.  It was SO FREEING!!!  I am so glad that it is over.  Thank you so much to Mickey and the rest of my family and friends for helping me to prepare for this day.  I just don't think the wig is for me, but we will see.  I think I will be sticking to scarves for now.  I am a little worried about how the students will react tomorrow, but so far they have been nothing but supportive in every way.  I am so proud to be a part of Somonauk Middle School. 
My boys keep coming up and "petting" my head.  Max thinks it's hilarious and then wonders why I look like a "Dad."  Luke just kept asking, " what is your hair doing?"  They both are handling it so well. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sincerely Thank You

Last night was the 2nd Annual Alumni Men's Basketball Game.  I must say, I was rather impressed with my husband's three point shots.  Who knew???  Anyway, the point of me writing tonight is to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.  From the moment I walked into the gym to the moment we walked out of Dick's (gathering after the game), I noticed as sea of pink bracelets.  I was not able to see or talk to each one of you last night, but I want you to know that I definitely noticed and so greatly appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and support.  My only hope is that someday I can show my gratitude toward all of you in some way or another.  I would also like to thank all of my family including both the Bryant and Victor side and close friends for being absolutely incredible in terms of all kinds of support. 
Thursday is the big day.  I have to admit,  I am a little nervous, but like my mom says, "you have to get in to get out."  We have a multitude of appointments that day, once again, beginning at 7:45 we will meet with the plastic surgeon, then 8:30 for blood work, and chemo @ 9.  Then at 1:00 I will see the surgeon as a follow up.  Finally, hopefully, we can take a look at some wigs.  Eric will be joining me throughout this first leg of the journey. 
Day by day, the entire situation is becoming more of MY reality.  It hasn't fully hit me yet, but I can see it in the near future. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ready or not...

Well, I am going in today to get rid of some of the dead tissue to hurry along the healing process and then we will start chemo next Thursday, March 10th.  It really seems like more of a reality now.  So I guess, bring it on.  Let's just get this process going.  The doctors described it to be a fine line between waiting to be completely healed and starting the chemo, which is going to ultimately save my life.  They said that once chemo starts basically all healing stops, or is extremely slowed down.  So we are going for the happy medium. 
I am so happy with the team at Northwestern though.  When they say you will have a team of people working with you, it is so true, from surgeons to social workers.  They have been extremely patient, kind and informative.  I think a prerequisite to working in the cancer center at Northwestern is that you have to be genuinely nice and kind-hearted.